Thursday, September 29, 2022

Good Storms mean GREAT fishing!

 In Ocean City, we are supposed to get some pretty intense storms over the next 5 days! 

Good storms means GREAT fishing! 

The rain changes the water in 3 ways that make the fish bite! 

1) It brings a temperature drop.

This is more important when it is hotter out, so this is not the biggest reason that the fish will be biting next week. 

2) It brings a drop in barometric pressure.

Fish struggle swimming when the pressure drops. They know when a storm is coming and will feed really well right before, then stop eating until the storm is over. This means that they will be ready to eat as soon as this storm ends! Yay!

3) It brings a drop in the light levels.

Fish like when it is darker. It is easier to have the element of surprise when hunting if it is darker. If there are clouds in the sky, it makes the water darker and fish are more willing to hunt! 

When the storm is over, we want to be ready to catch some fish! 

The best lure for this time: Flair Hawk style jig 

Try this one

Or this one!

Let's go catch some Sea Monsters! 

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