Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Sea Sickness

Sea Sickness really is THE WORST!!  

Like so many other people I know, I have a tendency of getting sea sick depending on how far we go out in the ocean! I was determined to figure out how to get passed it and I figured out a trick (that works for me!) 

I take regular Dramamine the night before we go out! I literally take it right before I go to bed because it will make you drowsy. Then the next morning before we go out, I take Wall-Dram. It is just a pill from Wallgreens that has ginger in it! Ginger is really good for settling your stomach. I know it sounds like a bit of over-kill, but it works! 

    Dramamine                                                   Wall-Dram


The reason I would suggest both - The drowsy kind is more effective, but it makes you sleepy, so it's best to take it before bed. The Wall-Dram will give it the little kick it needs right before you go out! Some people I have talked to only take one or the other, but a lot of people I have talked to will take it too late! That's the biggest thing, make sure you take it ahead of time!

Good luck! 

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