Sunday, August 21, 2022

How to Catch Mahi

We pulled the first Mahi onto the boat yesterday! Actually, we pulled in SEVEN!! What a great day! We learned so much! 

How to Set up the Rod: 

It is a very simple setup! You will need 6 - 10 feet of Fluorocarbon leader line and a size 4 hook. We rigged up the line with squid, they seem to bite more when the hook was more hidden. 

       Leader Line                         Hooks


Where to Find them: 

Mahi prefer surface structure. We were moving from location to the other and just happened to pass a random buoy in the ocean, so we decided to check it out. As soon as we dropped in the hook, the caught the first one right away. The coolest thing was that there were so many of them and you could see them all just circling each piece of bait. Once you find one, be prepared to look for more! 


1) We used Ballyhoo to chum and the Mahi were LOVING it! It really helped to keep them around and keep them interested. 

2) We started to just look in the water and drop the bait where we saw the fish, instead of just throwing the bait near the structure. It really worked! 

Thanks for reading! 

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