Thursday, July 27, 2023

“A calm water is like a still soul” – Lailah Gifty Akita

Over the weekend, the water was the most still and beautiful that I have ever seen. The ocean felt like a lake that went on for miles and miles. 

Hubby and I went out, just the two of us, to experience 2 foot waves that were 12 seconds apart. It was so still and so quiet, so beautiful. 

We travelled out to the Bass Pots and caught a couple Mahi. When Mahi fishing, we chum using ballyhoo and squid, using either one as bait as well. Each week, the Mahi are starting to get a little bigger. 

Did you know that Mahi are the fastest growing fish known to man? They grow 1.3 to 2.7 inches in a week! Isn't that crazy? A WEEK! 


Sunday, July 2, 2023

First Charter Ever!

Spring Mix II

This time - fishing, next time - CATCHING! 
We went out on a Charter yesterday, Spring Mix II. It was so much fun! We didn't actually bring home any fish, but I got to experience a real fight. We hooked onto what we thought was a Big Eye Tuna and I got to reel it in. I got it all the way up to the boat, then he got spooked and pulled the hook. Very disappointing, but so much fun! Next time, I am getting the fish on the boat! 


I would definitely go back on Spring Mix II. Captain Chris and First Mate, Chase were very helpful and extremely friendly. They both were willing to give pointers and answer lots of questions. While I was reeling in the fish, they were giving me pointers and resources to make it easier and were very kind even after I lost the fish. 

If you haven't gone on a Charter, I would suggest it! It was so much fun! 

Monday, June 19, 2023

Family Fishing Trip 2023

Spent Father's Day fishing with my husband, father-in-law, sister-in-law, Lexie, her boyfriend, Logan, and his two kids (6 and 14)! We had a blast! We took our first in-shore ocean trip of the season to a wreck about 19 miles out! 

I did learn on this trip that my sea-sickness remedy does not actually work for everyone! The 6 year old was sick the entire time. Poor little thing! Maybe I need to alter it a little bit for younger kids. I will figure it out and keep you all posted! So far, it has worked for all adults that have tried it though! 
Note: She bounced back though and was swimming in the bay by the end of the day! 

I pulled my first Flounder on the boat! I guess I'm finally learning how to be more careful. I've learned what it feels like to have the fish actually swallow the hook before trying to reel it in! We were just bottom fishing at the wreck, the current was really strong, so we were using 7 ounce weights. The Fishin' OC Deadly Double Flounder Rigs with Gulp haven't let us down yet!

Pink and White - Make them bite!       
Deadly Double Rig Link                                          Gulp! Link        

Using the same rig and bait, at the same wreck, my father-in-law caught a keeper Sea Bass and the 14 year old caught 3 Sea Robin! That was his first time ever catching a Sea Robin! It was awesome! 

Sea Robin 
When you catch a Sea Robin, it is very important to keep in mind that this fish has sharp spines around their gills and dorsal fins that can release poison! So make sure you are very careful!

 My father-in-law, Steve, and his Seabass catch, using the same Deadly Double Rig! 

Sunday, June 11, 2023

First Fishing Trip Summer 2023

Went out in the bay last weekend (June 2nd and 3rd) and had our first big fishing days of the year! Anchored up at the Route 50 Bridge, my husband and I both caught a few small Blue Fish, while enjoying a breath-taking sunset. This was my first ever Blue Fish! What a big day!! We had to try a few different rigs before becoming successful, but the second we tried green and sparkly, we started pounding them! 

Then on Saturday, we went out in the Inlet with a group of friends for my girl, Jessi's birthday! It was incredibly windy, we couldn't even keep the boat still, but we hooked a few Flounder anyway! I still haven't mastered getting the Flounder on the boat because apparently I am "too rough" and "not quick enough," but I'm working on it! To catch the Flounder, we were using our favorite rigs, Fishin' OC Flounder Rigs with Gulp, they never fail! 

Great start to the new season! Can't wait to get back out there and catch some more! 

Another plus to the weekend: my sister, Laura, is now hooked on Fishing! She is in the process and getting her fishing license and buying her own rod! It will be awesome to share this experience with her! 

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Good Storms mean GREAT fishing!

 In Ocean City, we are supposed to get some pretty intense storms over the next 5 days! 

Good storms means GREAT fishing! 

The rain changes the water in 3 ways that make the fish bite! 

1) It brings a temperature drop.

This is more important when it is hotter out, so this is not the biggest reason that the fish will be biting next week. 

2) It brings a drop in barometric pressure.

Fish struggle swimming when the pressure drops. They know when a storm is coming and will feed really well right before, then stop eating until the storm is over. This means that they will be ready to eat as soon as this storm ends! Yay!

3) It brings a drop in the light levels.

Fish like when it is darker. It is easier to have the element of surprise when hunting if it is darker. If there are clouds in the sky, it makes the water darker and fish are more willing to hunt! 

When the storm is over, we want to be ready to catch some fish! 

The best lure for this time: Flair Hawk style jig 

Try this one

Or this one!

Let's go catch some Sea Monsters!